Wednesday, October 15, 2008

lipton ice & ten bucks

i was woke up early than my alarm ringing at 650am.After havin sejadah,siap ke klas,start moto, sampai bwh lab, parked moto,buang bekas minuman tin "lipton ice"yg ade dlm raga,lempar sblah moto len,campak kat tanah terus ke klas.

Abis klas,on my run to library to met someone,ive found my jeans pocket was empty,sploh hinggit that ive put in my left side pocket together wif phone was missing.i was shocked.ntah kemana ntah ilang.start moto balik,patah balik ke lab,park moto naik atas, pusing2 lari2 anak2 cari balik pathway.hahah(berpeluh dol)btw the result was zero at all.this is my 2nd moment missing money in my own pocket since yesterday 5buck was losing and i dun noe mane pg lak.malas nk bring along my dompet coz sgt leceh dol!cari terus cari!xjupe gax..hu2

jalan balik meluru ke moto dgn hampa
"xpe la xde rezki la tu-tuhan nk uji ni tu"-baik siut!ceh
but setan mula hasut
"rugi2 tol la rm10 bole beli topap tu"-buat nada sore setan

tapi aku wat slamber jek.aku tepis la kencing setan yg hasut tu.aku redha biar panik gak la
tp ala duit leh cr la.hehe nope my rezki mebi its belongs to others.

sampai kat moto,time nk start all of sudden terpandang terjeling di ujung mata, tin yg dibuang td,tibe2 rasa insaf(wah!maaf ya agak poyo)aku amek balik,ye la buang merata2 xelok!kata go green!kutip balik,letak dlm raga hajat nk buang kat temptnya.then!terkejut mawas-duet rm10 tu disebalik tin tuh!OMG!
thanx god!alhamdulilah
rupa2 tercicir time kuarkan nset kot td!
gile!! so worthless wif what happen.
the values were very teachin me
  • xnot litter
  • be patient in dugaanNYa
  • belaja redha n trima seadanya
  • jaga pocket n tangan anda
i got back my ten bucks!aha

"setiap yg berlaku ada hikmah dan ianya terjadi atas akar tindak tanduk kita"

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